If we only wear 20% of our wardrobe 80% of the time, do our wardrobes need to be so cluttered & bulging at the seams?? Many of us hold on to clothing as some form of emotional attachment, which trust me is why it makes cleaning out OUR OWN wardrobe near impossible! So what is it about the garment that makes us keep it? Is it the price you paid for it? The durability of the product? The history it holds, about us, about a certain time? (Maybe back in our skinny mini days???) Ahhhhh!!! Holding on to clothing you don’t wear can actually do more harm than good in some cases! Have you ever opened your wardrobe only to be faced with an item you immediately feel bad about. Maybe it’s a whole bunch of dresses that don’t fit you anymore, or the top that reminds you of a bad experience in your life. This keeps you stuck in the past, so giving up those items that don’t serve who you are in the present, will actually help you love and value the person you are today. So let me ask you this. When you open your wardrobe each morning, does it make you happy or sad?? Clothing must be used as a tool to make us feel good and boost our mood. I always encourage my clients to create a wardrobe full of pieces that make them feel a certain way, because what you wear affects your self-esteem. When you dress like a dag, you feel like a dag! What makes YOU keep your clothes?