Are you focusing on what you like or what you don’t like?

I’m sure by now we have all heard that what we focus on is what we get, yeah? So think about this ladies, when shopping for clothes are you focused on what you love about your body & highlighting those areas, or are you too busy focusing on hiding the areas you don’t love? When we are trying to dress to hide all the bits we don’t like, we fail to dress for all the bits we do like & this leaves us feeling frumpy and less than amazing in the clothes we wear! This week I want you to look for more of what you like about your body and start to dress for those attributes. If it’s your legs wear a skirt or even skinny or patterned pants to highlight them. If it’s your arms or shoulders makes sure they are on show (while the weather is still warm). Even if it’s your eyes make sure you are wearing colours that bring them to life and make them shine! For some, especially us woman we may sometimes struggle to see our own beauty in the mirror, so please ask someone you know & trust to point out your attributes if you’re not sure what they are.. Trust me, once you know what they are you will begin to shift your focus and that’s where all the magic happens x #wearwhatmakesyoufeelgood #dresswithconfidence #focusonthepositives #personalstylist