Ever gone shopping only to come back empty handed, because you can’t find anything? It’s because you’re shopping with your blinkers on…Tunnel vision! It’s actually called your RAS, and is a vital part of your brain located at the base of your brain stem. It’s a filter we all need, but constantly has us looking for more of the same. Just to demonstrate the RAS in action, have you ever noticed that right after you bought a car; suddenly it seemed that every other car on the road was the same colour and/or make of the car that you just bought? Or any mothers out there notice that when you’re pregnant every second woman you walk past is also pregnant! Well every second woman isn’t pregnant – it’s just those damn blinkers again! The same thing happens when you’re shopping, and you struggle for this reason. It’s my job as a stylist to turn the lights on and free you from those blinkers!! After shopping with me there will be an abundance of choice out there!!